1 min read⭐️⭐️ Come and join our team ⭐️⭐️We are excited to announce we are looking for an ACPAT Physiotherapist to join our team, if you think this could be you please keep...
1 min readPain indicator tool This is a free resource for anybody working with dogs. Please use it as you need to, print it, share it, download it. However you use it,...
2 min readCPD with Sara Farina Osteopath M.Ost, PG CertCourse outlines: Saturday 24th February 2024 The three diaphragms and their role in whole body function, a holistic approach to treatment...
4 min readCoat changes - why we should be paying attention One of the discussions we often have with my clients when they come to the Win Clinic is about their dog’s coat. Questions like “has it...
3 min readHypermobility in dogsNicky Grant BSc Hons Physiotherapy, MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy, MCSP, ACPAT A, HCPC, RAMP We've all seen those dogs on the agility...
4 min readWhy this is one of the most damaging things you can buy for your dog.... On nearly every walk I take my dogs on I see other dogs and dog walkers and at this time of year they all look pretty similar. Buried in...
2 min readSlow and square - why we should care Nicky Grant BSc Hons Physiotherapy, MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy, HCPC, MCSP, ACPAT A , RAMP Agility, the ability to move quickly and...